Phil Key

Mostly for Men and Restorative teacher


With 7 years of personal yoga practice and a qualification as a Forrest Yoga teacher in 2019, Phil brings a wealth of experience to his teaching. Drawing from 20 years as a personal trainer and 8 years as a counsellor, he uses yoga as a powerful tool to guide individuals in overcoming obstacles, fostering a deeper connection to their bodies, and embarking on a journey of personal growth and transformation. Sharing the practices that have profoundly impacted his own life is the most rewarding aspect of his role as a yoga teacher.

What do you do when you’re not teaching or practising yoga?

When I am not teaching I work as a personal trainer and focus more these days helping people reconnect to their bodies - on moving and breathing better. Being pain free is underrated and through my own injuries it gave me the opportunity to explore and discover new ways to move and exercise. No two people are the same bio-mechanically and working with individuals is unique and fun helping them discover their own natural rhythm and movement.

I also work as a counsellor and specialise in trauma and grief which neatly brings the mind and body together. Our trauma and losses can manifest physically and this is where my deepest passion and interest reside on how yoga can bridge that gap and help us heal physically and emotionally.

Favourite posture?

My favourite poses are anything that involves being upside down, so any inversion or down dog on the wall - I find being upside down is powerful in changing one's perspective and also helps me get out of my head and in my body. Another is one-legged crow - it was a pose that helped me when I was injured to recognise and focus on what I was still able to do, rather than focusing on what I could not.

What’s on your bucket list?

A top bucket list adventure for me is to take an extended period of time away from work to travel around South America, to surf, practice yoga and scuba dive.